Panopto – Move a session

To move a Panopto session after it is created, first access your Panopto area of Blackboard or sign into the Panopto admin website.

If you recorded into “My Folder” you will find it in the left hand menu (under “Home”) after signing into the Panopto admin website.

You must be an instructor of both the original course and new course to move a session. Both courses need to be provisioned.

Hover your mouse over the session you wish to move. Some additional buttons will appear. Click on “Settings”.

A settings page will appear. Click on “Edit” next to the Folder.

A Panopto session window. Most information is blurred out. Edit, next to the folder name, is highlighted.
If you have a long folder name the edit button may be below the folder name. Click to enlarge.

A drop down list will appear showing all the Blackboard courses that you are an instructor of. Select a course, or search for it by typing the module code, and click “Save”.

Panopto edit folder. Choose a folder or start typing to search. Quick access and 4 folders above all folders in a hierarchical structure
Click to enlarge
Remember: Moving a session will mean it is no longer in the previous course. If this is not what you want then use the copy instructions.