eSubmission with Blackboard

Blackboard provides a number of methods that allow for the electronic submission of assessments online.  Two primary methods are listed below (Turnitin and Blackboard Assignment).  Each one has step-by-step instructions for both staff and students.  Also listed below is further information that will help you to identify which of the available methods best suits your needs, and what issues may need to be addressed before you can begin facilitating online submission.

For details of other assessment features in Blackboard, check the section on assessment with Blackboard.

Which eSubmission service should I use?

There are a multitude of possible methods to use to facilitate e-submission. The most heavily used services are TurnItIn in Blackboard and the eAssignment service. This flow chart may help you to choose which service is most appropriate for you and your students.

Feature comparison of eSubmission methods

This table provides a breakdown of the three most common methods for setting up eSubmission, and their respective features. Please use this guide to help you identify which method best meets your needs.

Issues to consider when implementing eSubmission

e-Submission offers a wide range of benefits. However, implementing this kind of submission system raises a number of new issues that schools should consider, many of which are administrative as well as technical. We have collated a number of such issues, which whilst not exhaustive, should give some help to faculties and sub-faculty units considering e-submission.

Turnitin Assignments in Blackboard

Turnitin is a 3rd party service licensed by the University which facilitates eSubmission of assignments and is able to identify possible cases of plagiarism.

eAssignments Service

The eAssignments service is a separate service and is not integrated with Blackboard.

Link to eAssignments web site

Link to eAssignments support guide

Blackboard assignment feature

Blackboard’s native assignment feature facilitates electronic submission of assessments via the Blackboard interface.

Known issues / Practical Considerations with Blackboard eSubmission features

We will endeavour to list any known issues and specific practical considerations concerning eSubmission features in Blackboard here.