Processing queues

This page explains the Panopto processing queues and how long you may have to wait for your video to become available to students.

Since moving to Panopto 5.7, video processing occurs on two distinct servers encoding fast and slow video.

Fast processing server

One of our server queues only processes quick video.

  • Synchronising audio and video files (average 58 seconds per video)
  • Fast encoding the video seen by users with desktop web browsers (average 33 seconds per video)
  • PowerPoint thumbnails and table of contents (average 9 seconds per video)

Slow processing server

Our other server queue only processes slow video.

  • Mobile/podcast video encoding (average 27 minutes per video)
  • Tablet video encoding (only when requested, average 28 minutes when not skipped)

Some search related processing (OCR, speech recognition) occur on both servers.

The benefit of this system is that the average amount of time between a recording being uploaded and being available in Blackboard is 125 seconds. The short turnaround time is beneficial for subjects that are recording practical exercises and then viewing them together as a group after the activity is completed.

The downside to this system is that mobile-friendly videos may not be available until the next day, as we are recording more content than we can currently process.

Before our 5.7 upgrade, Panopto sessions uploaded in the turnaround time between lectures (xx:45 and xx:55) typically took around 10 minutes to encode. Most recordings uploaded outside of the typical end-of-lecture window were available in two minutes. The changes made in the 5.7 upgrade allow lectures to be viewed within a few minutes, no matter their end time.