Installing Panopto on a Non University computer

The following guide is only for installing Panopto on a personal non University computer.

To download Panopto on any device open a web browser and go to:

Whenever you are asked to sign into Panopto, please select the option to log in with Blackboard.

It will then show you the Blackboard login page, where asked please log into Blackboard as normal.

On the logged in Panopto page, look to the top right of the page where you name will show. Under that will be the option to ‘Download Panopto’ click on this.

There should be only the one option presented to download Panopto, click on the blue button to download the software. Once downloaded run the Panopto installer.

Before the installation starts some Windows users may see this prompt before installing, click on ‘Yes’ to proceed.

The first part of the installer you will see a section that should be prefilled with information about where it will save recordings and the server it will upload to. Just double check that the server address is and continue to install.

Once installed load up the Panopto recorder application, it will ask you to sign in. Once again make sure you say to sign in with Blackboard.

It will show you the Blackboard login page, possibly in a new web browser, where you can login as normal.

Depending on your version of Windows you may get a prompt asking if it is ok to switch applications, please say ‘Yes’ to this.

You should see that you are now signed into the Panopto recorder and ready to record.

If you need any additional help on the next steps of making a recording please go to our create a recording page.