What is expected of you as part of the scheduling process

After you have made a request to schedule your exam, you will see up to two additional emails from us explaining what we have done and what you need to do to ensure that your exam goes ahead accurately and efficiently.

We test your exam against our best practice recommendations, the results of which you will see in a future email, but only you can verify that the content in the exam is correct.

Once we have created the exam on OnDemand you will receive a link to it. This is for you to test the exam. We expect you to get 100% of the questions correct. If you do not achieve a score of 100% let us know and we can tell you which questions you got wrong and we can work together to rectify any issues.

Questions that require essay style answers should always be worth zero so you can mark them, unless, you you would like to use OnDemandā€™s ā€œon screen markingā€. See Why iSolutions does not recommend using OnDemand for essay questions.

See Why iSolutions does not recommend using OnDemand for essay questions.