Example text for join Teams using a code

The following text can be copied and pasted for use in your Blackboard course:


Join Microsoft Teams site for this module and introduce yourself to other students.

  1. Go to Microsoft Teams.
  2. Sign in with your University of Southampton email address and password.
  3. Go to Join a Team with a Code.
  4. Use the code TBC to join the module discussion forum.
  5. If you have a desktop/laptop computer, download the desktop app to make full use of audio and video conferencing.
  6. Install the mobile app
  7. Bookmark the Teams address.


Some modules will be using Teams for online meetings. Further information about how this works is available online: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/join-a-meeting-in-teams-1613bb53-f3fa-431e-85a9-d6a91e3468c9

If you are required to join a meeting in teams you will receive a link or can join directly from the calendar. You MUST sign in using your UoS account.

For more detailed information about what to do before, during and after a meeting you can read some of the pages we have collected for staff members: https://sotonac.sharepoint.com/teams/Office365/SitePages/Meetings-How_Do_I.aspx