Online Tests and Surveys using Blackboard

small icon iconBlackboard can be used to faciliate online tests and surveys. Please note that iSolutions recommend Blackboard only for formative assessment. For summative assessment, or assessments using question pools, use QuestionMark OnDemand.

Use the guides listed below to build a Blackboard test or survey.

  1. Create a Test or Survey
  2. Set the Creation Settings
  3. How to enable negative marking (optional)
  4. Choose which Question Types to use
  5. Deploy the test in a content area
  6. Check results in the Grade Centre
  7. How students take a test or survey
  8. How to clear a student’s attempt
  9. How to automatically regrade (if necessary)
  10. View individual results and answers, answers by whole cohort, and download answers
  11. Perform Item Analysis on Quiz Questions

Please note that Surveys are anonymous.