Differences between Blogs and Journals in Blackboard

Blogs and Journals in Blackboard look and behave in similar ways.  They both provide Blog like features and functionalities.  The key difference between the two is that Blogs are shared within the course, and journals are usually private.

Differences between Blogs and Journals
Type Blogs Journals
Course-wide (For overall course)
  • You can have any number.
  • Anyone can post to it.
  • n/a
  • Accessed via group area.
  • Need to set up groups to use it.
  • Any member of group can post.
  • Anyone else can view and post comments.  If you want this then add a Blogs tool link in your course menu to give users an easy way to access all blogs.
  • Accessed via group area.
  • Need to set up groups to use it.
  • Any member of group can post.
  • Members of other groups cannot post.
  • Other groups can view a group’s journal, unless the instructor chooses to make the group journal private from other groups.
  • Accessed via Blogs screen or by adding Blog to Content area from Tools menu.
  • Each user has their own area where they can post (they click on their own name to find it).
  • All other students can read and make comments.
  • These are best added within a Content area from Tools menu.
  •  Each user has their own journal.
  •  Instructors can set the journals to be private or shared.
  •  A private journal can only be viewed by the student themselves and the instructor, the shared journal can be read by all course users.