Blackboard Support


If you have a question or technical query about Blackboard please contact the ServiceLine. If the ServiceLine cannot answer your query immediately they will refer your issue to the Managed Learning Environment Team in iSolutions.

In order to provide you with a swift response it will help us (and therefore you) if whenever you contact ServiceLine with a Blackboard query you provide the following information:

  • What the issue is (be as specific as possible)
  • Whereabouts in the course the problem occurs – if possible please provide a list of instructions so that we may replicate the error.
  • Any error message that occurs
  • What course code is affected if applicable (e.g. MANG1001, SPRT2002 etc)
  • Which year the course is for (e.g. 15-16, 16-17 etc)
  • If a student is affected who are they (full name, student number, or iSolutions username)
  • If a colleague is affected who are they (full name, student number, or iSolutions username)
  • Whether the issue is happening at home or on a work machine, or both.
  • The version of your web browser (e.g. Chrome 44)
  • The version of your operating system (e.g. Windows 10 Service Pack 1)

The more information you can provide, the quicker we can resolve the issue.