Exporting Turnitin Rubrics

Do not open Turnitin in multiple tabs or browser windows. Only use one browser tab to interact with Turnitin.

This guide explains how to export a rubric or grading form from Turnitin.  You may wish to do this if you have a colleague who wishes to re-use your rubric or edit it for their own use.  In order to do this, you must first export a rubric (.rbc) file which you send to your colleague.  They will then be able to import the rubric file into their own Blackboard-Turnitin account.

Note that when a rubric is exported and then imported, the imported rubric is treated as a completely new rubric and has no connection to your original rubric.  As a reminder, rubrics and grading forms are attached to your user account rather than to a specific course.

Access Control Panel

1. Browse to a Blackboard course with a Turnitin assignment on it, and then click on Control Panel –> Turnitin Assignments.

Click on assignment name


2. Click on one of the Turnitin assignment listed so that you can see the assignment inbox.

Click on Libraries


3. Click on ‘Libraries’

Click on ‘Rubric / Form Manager’


4. Click on the ‘Rubric Form / Manager’ link.

Click on the rubric menu button

5. Click on the rubric menu icon in the top left of the Rubric/Form Manager screen (this appears in the blue bar on that screen).  Use this menu to select the rubric you wish to export

Click on the Import/Export button

5. Click on the Import/Export icon in the top right of the Rubric/Form Manager screen (this appears in the blue bar on that screen).

6. Click on Export

7. Save the .rbc rubric file to a location on your hard drive.

8.  Once you’ve saved this file, you can send a copy of the file to your colleague (for instance by email).  This allows them to import the rubric and edit it to meet their requirements without affecting your original rubric.