Creating a grading form

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This guide explains how to create a grading form. A grading form is a very simple form of rubric which only contains criteria and the ability to add a score and comment for each criterion.

Note that in order to create a new grading form, you will need to have access to at least one Turnitin assignment. This can be on any of your Blackboard courses. Rubrics and grading forms are attached to your user account rather than to a specific course.

Access Control Panel

1. Browse to a Blackboard course with a Turnitin assignment on it, and then click on Control Panel –> Turnitin Assignments.

Click on assignment name


2. Click on one of the Turnitin assignment listed so that you can see the assignment inbox.

Click on Libraries


3. Click on ‘Libraries’

Click on ‘Rubric / Form Manager’


4. Click on the ‘Rubric Form / Manager’ link.

Click on the ‘hamburger’ button


5. Click on the ‘hamburger’ button shown in the screenshot, and then choose ‘Create new grading form’

Enter rubric name, and ‘save’


6. Scroll to the top of the grading form and click on the text ‘Enter grading form name here’. This text will change to a text box. Use the text box to enter the name of your grading form. Once you have entered a name, scroll to the bottom of the form and click on ‘save’ in the lower right hand corner.

Choose whether to enable scoring


7.  Whilst you are still at the bottom of the grading form, choose whether or not you wish to enable scoring.  By enabling scoring, you allow yourself to input a score for each criterion whilst you are marking each submission.

Edit criteria


8. Edit your grading form criteria titles by clicking on ‘Criterion 1’ and typing the title of your first criterion. Repeat this until you have all the criteria you require. Note that when adding criteria, the title is limited to 13 characters.  You may wish to include any scoring brackets you intend to use.

Add or delete criteria

gradingformaddcriteria  gradingformdelcriteria

9. Note that you can add new criteria using the ‘+’ icon, and delete criteria using the rubbish bin icon.

Save rubric

10. Once you have entered all of your criteria, scale items, and descriptors, scroll to the bottom of the rubric and click on ‘Save’.