Using the Blackboard "Create File" Function

The Create File feature allows you to upload a single file to your Blackboard course to which you add very little contextual information. This can be useful for uploading such files as datasets, or where you simply want to put a file onto Blackboard.  WHEN USING THIS FEATURE YOU MUST SET THE ITEM TO OPEN IN A NEW WINDOW OR USERS WITH MAC COMPUTERS WILL NOT BE ABLE TO OPEN THE FILE.

It also regarded as non-desirable practice to use this feature for uploading regular course content.  Using Add Item should be used instead.

Edit Mode

Edit Mode

1. Check that Edit Mode is turned ON.  This can be switched by clicking ON or OFF.

Content Area

Content Area

2. Choose the Content Area into which you wish to add your content.  All the content areas work in the same way, if you have renamed or added content areas to your Blackboard course the screenshot above may vary from what you see.

Create File

3. Hover your mouse pointer over Build Content and then click on Create File.

File details

File details

4. To upload a file from your computer click on Browse My Computer. If you wish to add a file that is already on your course, or which you have added directly into your course files area click on Browse Course.

5. The filename will automatically populate the Name box. However you may type over this if you wish.

6. You may choose a colour for the name to appear in.

7. If you would like the file to open in a new window click on Yes.



8. Set the options according to your preference.

Permit Users to View this Content
Do you want students to be able to access this content? Selecting No would prevent your students from viewing it, but you would still be able to view it while Edit Mode is ON. The date restrictions option below is a more powerful way of doing a similar action. The default for this option is Yes.

Track number of views
Select Yes to indicate that the system is to track the number of times a user accesses this item. Select No to indicate that the number of times this page is accessed will not be tracked. Only use this option for materials for which you particularly require tracking information. A general report on Course Statistics provides tracking information for the whole course and is available from the Control Panel. For more information about this feature check the link on the right under “What’s Related”.

Select Date and Time Restrictions
If you wish you may restrict when this content will appear. Tick the boxes and determine times and dates as appropriate. Ticking Display After will mean that the content will appear from the time and date that you select. Ticking Display Until will mean that the content will no longer appear (disappear) after the date and time selected has passed. This only affects the way the material appears to students. As a course instructor you can change this setting at any time and the content will always be available to you.

9. Click Submit to finish.