Blackboard User Management

Whilst most courses are populated with student enrolments and instructors automatically using information in the Banner student record system, it is possible to add users manually as students, and if necessary to modify their role to that of an instructor.

Use the guides below to find out more.

small icon iconHow to Add a User to Your Blackboard Course Manually

Use this guide to find out how to add a user to your Blackboard course. When the user is added they will be set as a student, but you can modify their role, for example to that of an instructor by using the guide on the right.

small icon iconHow to Batch Enrol Students onto your Blackboard Course

There may be occasions where you wish to add a large number of students onto an “arbitrary” Blackboard course. Blackboard now has a batch enrol feature, but the files it requires are not intuitive to create. We have set up a very simple tool that will create the required file for you. All you need to provide is a list of usernames of the students you wish to add to your course.

small icon iconHow to Modify the Role of a User on Your Blackboard Course

Use this guide to change the role of a user on your course. This is useful if you have added a colleague to your course and wish to give them instructor access.