About Self and Peer Assessment in Blackboard

The Self and Peer Assessment feature in Blackboard allows you to set questions to your students. Students enter answers for these questions. Then following a deadline passing students are able to assess the answers of their peers and themselves, anonymously if you wish. You can provide model answers for the students to compare that of themselves and their peers against, and provide criteria against which the students give these answers scores.

Self and Peer Assessment is a new feature in Blackboard and therefore we recommend that when you first use it that you do so for a low stakes formative assessment to ensure that both you and your students get to know this feature. You will need to explain carefully to your students how you expect them to use this feature and how it works. We have a generic guide for students on how to use the feature that you can use as a starting point.

Note in particular that you must inform students of the deadline for submitting their answers, and for reviewing the answers of their peers.  Blackboard does not make this explicit and so you should endeavour to provide this information as clearly as possible.