Issues to consider when implementing e–Submission

Use of e-Submission can result in a wide range of benefits for both students and academics. However, implementing this kind of submission system raises a number of issues that the acadmic community should consider.  These issues are administrative as well as technical.

We have collated a number of such issues, which while not exhaustive, should give some help when considering using an e-submission system.

  • Which e-submission system (e.g. Turnitin in Blackboard, eAssignment, Other) best meets your needs?
  • Have you explained to students which e-submission method you expect them to use?
    • Have you directed them toward suitable documentation for whichever method you choose?
  • Who will act as admin for the e-submission process?
    • Dedicated member of staff, or individual instructors?
  • How will you deal with printing out student submissions, or will you mark online?
    • Who will be responsible for printing out assignments (you may have a significant number of essays to print out for large cohorts).
    • What are the costs of printing (Time and Money), and how are these covered?
    • What problems might arise? For example
      • loss of document formatting
      • pictures not printing out correctly
      • use of foreign paper sizes by overseas students
      • use of specific fonts not installed on school machines
      • file formats used – will there be restrictions on allowed filetypes?
  • How can you ensure that students submit ALL necessary work?
    • For example, if students are submitting a web-page they have written, have they included all the files referenced in this webpage (for instance all graphics)
  • How will files be stored if they are downloaded from the e-Submission system?
    • And will these files be backed up?
  • How long will student submissions be kept on file?
  • How will files be distributed to different markers?
  • How will assignments be marked and annotated?
    • Marked online?
    • Printed out for marking?
    • If marking online, how can you ensure that annotated documents and marks are saved regularly, to ensure recoverability in the event of technical failure. Will students know how to view annotations?
  • How will you ensure that markers are marking consistently?
  • How will assignments be returned to students?
    • Print-outs marked and returned?
    • Electronic copies returned?
    • Feedback accessed online?
  • How will you deal with student complaints / appeals?
    • Will this be the same as your current appeals process?