Panopto Intro

Welcome to all the new users

The following are the steps required to be up and running with Panopto, each step will suggest guides that have been written for you to be able to get yourself working within Panopto in no time.
For terms and conditions on the use of Panopto please see our Legal information page.

STEP 1: Provision your Blackboard Course to work with Panopto

Panopto is used to create audio or audio and video recordings of lectures for online playback. Panopto works hand in hand with Blackboard so content can be shared easily with staff and students on a course. In order to share content within Blackboard you need to make sure Panopto is activated on your course, we call this ‘provisioning your course’. Doing this ensures that all staff and students of your course have permission to view the Panopto content. You only need to do this once per module. If you use an alternative VLE to Blackboard please get in touch and we can make arrangements for you.

How do I provision my BlackBoard course for Panopto.

STEP 2: Install and Open Panopto

Panopto is an application that is pre-installed on all Common Learning Space (CLS) computers, you can be install it on all Staff UoS computers and is also available to download for personal computers.

CLS Teaching Spaces: After logging into the computer you will find a shortcut to Panopto on the desktop.

Staff UoS computers: If you have a staff desktop or laptop you can install Panopto from the ‘Additional Software’ app, this is usually found on your desktop. From here you can search for Panopto and choose to install it. For more detailed help the installing Panopto on UoS computers guide will help.

Personal Computers: If you would like to install and use Panopto on your personal computer (not purchased for you by the University) then you can download the Panopto Recorder software from the Panopto website. For more detailed help the installing Panopto on personal computers guide will help.

All Apple Mac’s: Both staff and personal Apple Macs can install the Panopto Recorder software from the Panopto website. For more detailed help the installing Panopto on a Mac guide will help.

Step 3: Start Recording

Using Panopto to start a recording can be a simple 4 step process:

1, Choose the correct blackboard folder that the session will be recorded into (Optional: Name it).
2, Make sure that you have checked your sources/inputs (Audio, Video, PowerPoint, Screencapture).
3, Double check your audio levels.
4, Press the Record button.

When you are finished press the stop button, confirm the upload and your session will be processed and ready to watch within minutes.

Detailed instructions on how to make a recording can be found on our guides page.

Further details

Panopto is the University Lecture Capture system. It also hosts all our internal streaming videos.

Staff can record their lecture in a lecture theatre or record a session in their office, home or on the go. You can find out more about the pedagogic aspects of Panopto from the Digital Learning Team.

CHEP is leading the University in the move to teaching remotely. Please follow their guidance on their Teaching Remotely page.