Another 10-minute overview, to mark the 10th anniversary of the University’s Blackboard & VLE Awards! In the video below we explore the Best Structure category, one of ten different awards on offer this year.
More than any other aspect, students comment on the way a course site’s organisation sets it apart. In the video below, we assemble the features students value in a course’s structure, and take a tour of some award-winning courses to see how it’s done.

You may also find the Blackboard baseline included on the CHEP SharePoint page on Structure a helpful guide to structuring your VLE site.
Advice from Award-winners
In the video below, Dr Huw Jones guides you through his award-winning module site. This narrated tour explains how the structure is designed to make it straightforward for students to engage with and get the most out of the content on offer.
For more behind-the-scenes advice from award-winning courses, visit
Nominate a course
Do you have a course site that’s structured in a way that inspires and enhances learning? Perhaps students were involved students in designing a user-friendly layout, or maybe you’ve re-organised your site content this year and engagement has increased? Both students and staff can nominate a module for the Best Structure category. Nominations remain open until February 28th, with the nomination forms for both students and staff available on our Blackboard & VLE Awards homepage.
We will reveal 2022’s award winning courses at the Awards Event on May 4th.