Nominations for the university’s annual Blackboard & VLE Awards competition are now open, giving you the opportunity to feed back on what you find most helpful in a virtual learning environment, and to put forward examples of courses that do this really well. You can nominate up to 3 modules, with each nomination entering you into a prize draw for a £50 Amazon voucher. Nominations close on Feb 28th. All information can be found at
Blackboard & VLE Awards in 8 numbers
To mark the 8th year of the awards, here’s a short history in 8 key numbers:
- 1611 nominations have been submitted by students
- 16 is the record number of nominations for a single course in one year – something that’s been achieved by two courses
- 27 different courses have won awards
- 3 is the number of rounds winning courses make it through after nominations – shortlisting, initial judging and final judging by a guest panel.
- 7 staff are double award winners, with 4 having won awards for more than one module site
- 49 staff have made it onto the shortlist on more than one occasion
- 50 nominations have been submitted by staff since this category was introduced a few years ago
- 4 different styles of trophy have been awarded to the winners, and on one memorable occasion, a cake.

Staff nominations
Staff have the opportunity to nominate one of their own course sites in this category and this year we are focusing on a specific theme: Accessibility. Further information is included in the staff self-nomination form. Do encourage your students to nominate too – if you wish, a banner you can add to your Blackboard (or other VLE) site can be downloaded below.

Award winners in both categories will be announced at the awards lunch on Friday 15 May.