Lecture capture using Panopto can help students revise, work around timetable clashes, catch up missed sessions and assist with a wide range of learning differences and disabilities. But this is still a very basic use of a technology that offers much more to tutors who want to transform their student’s educational experience. prompts..
Flipped learning
The key idea is that students study the topic content using specially-recorded mini-lectures in their own time. This enables the face-to-face sessions to be used for problem-solving, discussion, case studies and other activities that take advantage of social learning. The drawback is that the module needs to be redesigned. In addition, creating content videos requires a good deal of up-front effort. So how about these quick ideas instead?
Embedded quizzes
It is easy to add questions and multi-question quizzes to your Panopto recordings, as shown in this short 3-minute video:

You can add true/false, multiple-choice and multiple-response questions. Your students get immediate feedback and can review the quiz to read feedback on the correct answer. You could add some questions at the end of a recording to help students check they have grasped the key points. Alternatively, you could scatter a few questions throughout a specially-made tutorial video.
Every Panopto recording has its own discussion area. Students could be encouraged (at the start of the recording?) to post questions and responses. The tutor could review this before their next lecture and start the session by answering any key points raised.
Students can add their own notes to the recording. These are linked to the timeline so clicking a note jumps to the point in the recording where it was created. It can be used to add simple flags (like ‘important’, ‘revise this’ or ‘read this link’). (However, there is a Bookmark feature which also does this).
Notes really come into their own when students join another ‘channel’. Any student can create a new channel, and other students can join it if they know its name. It could be a “public” channel or one just for a small self-selected group of students. This would enable targeted discussion and feedback around specific points in the recording.
Active learning prompts
Finally, a tutor could add prompts during their lectures that support active learning using the recording. For example, they could ask students to pause and read a linked journal article or complete a calculation. Or they could encourage social learning through group activities such as joining a named channel at that point to discuss a key question about what has been said.
All of the posts in this series
1 On the first day… a Post-it in a Plus app
2 What is Articulate Storyline?
3 Podcasting: Voice recorder Pro 7, Bossjock jr, Opinion
4 Padlet walls
5 AppBonanza
Office 365
PDF Expert and Adobe Acrobat Pro
Dropbox, Google Drive, etc
Alfred and Wox
6 Active learning using Panopto recordings
7 7 easy post-processing steps to get your photos to stand out
8 Wirecast play for live streaming
9 Panopto for student presentations and assessment
10 On the 10th day, get organised to keep all your lords a-leaping
11 Hear those pipers piping!
12 TikiTokis