The Student Response Systems ‘special interest group’ met to build expertise and share good practice around the use of in-class polling systems. A wider aim was to develop a multi-disciplinary network of users who can encourage and support the use of student response systems in their own disciplines.
For the academic year 2018/19 the main focus will be on the use of Vevox (formerly Meetoo), although users of other systems are welcome to attend and contribute. You are welcome to join the group whatever your level of expertise with SRS.
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At the Student Response Systems SIG meeting in January, we discussed the direction for the group and it was agreed that broadening the focus to include other examples of Technology Enhanced Learning would be of benefit. Following on from this, we have set up Digital Learning Connect – see the link for details of the next meeting.
Vevox for in-class engagement using polling and messaging
Student response systems: what the research tells us
iSolutions support for Vevox (tutors and students)
iSolutions support for Turning Point clickers and ResponseWare