Author's posts
Predicting Reaction Outcomes and Developing Perfect Reactions
July 2011, Syngenta
A two-day meeting that was divided between informative, provocative assessments of the state of the art and key future directions from invited speakers and small group discussions on thematic new areas of research.
Selectivity, Sustainability, Predictability: Multi-Disciplinary Issues for 21st Century Catalysis
July 2011, AstraZeneca
A two-day meeting run under the catalysis theme with sessions on “New Reactivity: Target Driven Catalysis“, “Intervention-free Synthesis by Phase-Distinct Multi-Dimensional Catalysis” and “Engineering Control Through Fundamental Mechanistic Understanding“
Chemistry Innovation Stakeholder Meeting
June 2011, Birmingham
Dial-a-Molecule attended the 5th Annual Stakeholder forum organised by Chemistry Innovation and were able to inform key members from the chemistry-using industries about the aims and opportunities of Dial-a-Molecule.
Dial-a-Molecule Industry Focus Meeting
April 2011, London
A meeting attended by representatives of companies from across the chemical-using industries to help give the themes a broader industrial steer and to make them as industry relevant, academically challenging and fundable as possible.
Getting the Most out of External Collaborations
March 2011, London
Dial-a-Molecule attended an external event organised by the Royal Society of Chemistry to discuss how the open innovation agenda impacts on interactions between and amongst the pharmaceutical industry and academia.
Dial-a-Molecule & DAESTP Joint Launch Meeting
October 2010, Birmingham
The official launch meeting of the Dial-a-Molecule and Directed Assembly Grand Challenge Networks, including key note lectures and group discussion sessions to shape the key issues that the Grand Challenges will focus on.
What is the Challenge?
The Challenge: Molecules are collections of atoms connected together in a specific way. Even constrained to those elements most used (C, N, H, O, P, S) the number of possible molecules, even using small numbers of atoms, is vast – AND every molecule has different properties. It is unsurprising then that much of modern life …
Foreseen Impact of Dial-a-Molecule
Given the wide span of the Grand Challenge, the impact of any achievement towards Dial-a-Molecule will reach far beyond academia. Not only will advances affect industry and economy but addressing the Grand Challenge will be of benefit to society as a whole and will aid government to maintain its role in the world economy. Academia: …
What is Dial-a-Molecule
Dial-a-Molecule is a Grand Challenge Network funded by EPSRC 2010 – 2015 and 2016 – 2020 to promote research aimed at step change in our ability to deliver molecules quickly and efficiently: How can we make molecules in days not years? Tackling this challenge requires collaboration between many areas of science, engineering and mathematics. Thus the network …