
In May 2008 the EPSRC in collaboration with the Chemistry Innovation Knowledge Transfer Network, The Royal Society of Chemistry and the Institution of Chemical Engineers ran a consultation to identify opportunities for Grand Challenges in chemical science and engineering.

The consultation produced 153 ideas (including Dial-a-Molecule) which were discussed at a 2 day workshop in Manchester in November 2008. Consolidation and discussion reduced the number to 13 areas, the champions of which were asked to produce 4 page cases in January 2009.

By September 2009 EPSRC’s Strategic Advisory Team selected 4 of the areas to be invited to submit full proposals for funding of a network.

Three of these networks subsequently received funding from EPSRC:



‘Dial-a-Molecule’ – 100% Efficient Synthesis
PI: Professor Richard Whitby, University of Southampton.


Directed Assembly of Extended Structures with Targeted Properties
PI: Professor Paul Raithby, University of Bath.

PI: Professor Peter Styring, University of Sheffield.