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People – Phase III

The Executive Committee:

Prof Richard Whitby  (PI)
University of Southampton

Dr Mimi Hii (Co-I)
Imperial College London

GSmith.jpgDr Gill Smith (co-ordinator)
University of Southampton


The Steering Group:


R Attrill
Dr Robin Attrill



Prof Kevin Booker-Milburn
University of Bristol

Dr Richard Bourne
University of Leeds
Dr Steve Christie

University of Loughborough


Peter Clark

Dr Peter Clark
Knowledge Transfer Network


Dr Crina Corbes

Johnson Matthey

 Dr Anna Croft

University of Nottingham

Prof Lee Cronin

University of Glasgow

Dr Robert Davidson

Dr Reddy’s

Dr Jeremy Davis
Dr Talit Ghaffar




Prof Jonathan Goodman
University of Cambridge

Prof David Harrowven
University of Southampton
Dr Alan Hennessy



Prof Alexei Lapkin

University of Cambridge

Prof John Leonard
Prof Harris (Charalampos) Makatsoris
Cranfield University
Prof Steve Marsden
University of Leeds

Dr Mark Purdie
Astra Zeneca

Version 2 Dr Anna Slater

University of Liverpool


Joe Sweeney DSC_0077 (1)
Prof Joe Sweeney
University of Huddersfield


 Dr Will Unsworth

University of York