Good news for graduate students!

As part of our mission in the SIG, we are thinking of the support that the graduate students might need in their graduate studies. This year, we will offer an hour of academic support and a Q& A panel with experts in our first graduate track at EuroCALL 2017 immediately after the Pecha Kuchapresentations. The PhD track is in green on the conference programme:

This session of support will be led by Dr. Phil Hubbard, Dr.Francesca Helm, and Dr. Sahar Alzahrani. It will start with some information on how to prepare for a successful viva and what might students do to have a fruitful experience while defending their theses. Then, we will enjoy the discussion and the valuable advice from Dr. Phil Hubbard while listening to his varied experience as an observer/ examiner in different contexts. After that, we will have some time to get to know the potential viva questions in an interactive discussion within the Q & A panel. The attendees can think about these questions in light of their own research if interested.

Ps. You will go away with great amount of information on how viva works and with a printed copy of the potential viva questions.

The EuroCALL Teacher Education Special Interest Group

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The EuroCALL Teacher Education Special Interest Group focuses on issues related to language teaching with technologies and in particular on how teachers learn to

  • integrate learning technologies into teaching practice
  • develop techno-pedagogical competencies and
  • evolve with changing tools, methods and learners

We are especially interested in how teachers can be supported in CALL practice, research methods in teacher education and links between CALL research and teaching practice.

In the context of EuroCALL 2017, the Teacher Education SIG is hosting a Workshop on how social media and cloud computing could be integrated in the teaching process.Continue reading

ICALL: Intelligence Call Special Interest Group

Have you ever wondered what Intelligent CALL might be? Then this workshop is for you. Our half-day workshop is aimed at a non-specialist audience and includes presentations on the functioning of basic NLP (Natural Language Processing) tools, the challenges of learner language for NLP, demos of applications, and discussions of the use of NLP tools in a CALL context. The main purpose of the workshop is to introduce you to the range of tools used in Intelligent CALL, i.e. CALL that uses NLP techniques, and to raise awareness of the potential of Intelligent CALL.Continue reading

The EuroCALL SIG for Graduate Students

The EuroCALL SIG for Graduate Students is a very young SIG. It was founded in 2016 during the EuroCALL conference in Limassol, Cyprus, given the growing amount of Graduate students attending the conference and the need to give them at EuroCALL more visibility. Since its inception, the SIG has been chaired by Dr Sandra Morales and David Alfter, with the collaboration of Sahar Matar. We also work closely with our sister SIG at CALICO.Continue reading

Computer-mediated communication special interest group (CMC SIG)

This week we are featuring on our blog another interesting SIG: the CMC SIG i.e. the Computer-mediated communication special interest group.

The CMC SIG brings together researchers and practitioners who are interested in facilitating the mediation of intercultural communication at a distance. We aim to share insights gained through practice into effective task based learning and use of technology in order to reduce the frustration and difficulties frequently experienced in this area.Continue reading

A new SIG for Eurocall 2017!

This year Eurocall will see a new interesting addition to its already well established SIGs.

Founding chair Elena Martín-Monje from Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Spain and secretary Inge de Waard, (The Open University, UK and EIT InnoEnergy) have established a new LMOOC ((Language Massive Open Online Courses) SIG to provide a forum for discussion, research findings sharing and reflect together upon the specificities and areas of development of LMOOCs.Continue reading

What do you know about EUROCALL SIGs?

What do you know about EUROCALL SIGs?

Starting from this week we will be featuring Eurocall SIGs weekly in order to provide our conference delegates with useful info related to specific areas of interests.

A Special Interest Group is a community within a larger organization sharing a specific interest and aiming at enhancing its area of knowledge, learning or technology.

Join one of our SIGs and start collaborating with likeminded people in the field!

We start with a new SIG for Eurocall 2017: the LMOOC ((Language Massive Open Online Courses) SIG.