Keynote Speakers

Shannon Sauro is Associate Professor in the Department of Culture, Languages and Media at Malmö University, Sweden. She was born in Montréal, Canada and moved to the United States when she was five. She has taught English in Japan, the United States, and Sweden and has trained language teachers and conducted research on the use of technology in language teaching and learning in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, San Antonio, Texas, and Malmö, Sweden. Her current area of research explores the intersection of online media fandoms, language learning, and identity. She is co-editor with Carol Chapelle of The Handbook of Technology and Second Language Teaching and Learning (Wiley-Blackwell) and is co-editor with Katerina Zourou of the upcoming special issue of Language Learning & Technology on “CALL in the Digital Wilds”. She is a current member of the CALICO executive board, serving as President of CALICO from 2016-2017, and is also an active member of the Sherlock Holmes and Harry Potter fandoms.

She can be found online at, on Twitter @shansauro, and selected publications and presentations can be found on and

Watch a recording of Shannon's keynote presentation here.

Steve Thorne (Ph.D., UC Berkeley) is Associate Professor of Second Language Acquisition in the Department of World Languages and Literatures at Portland State University (USA), with a secondary appointment in the Department of Applied Linguistics at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands). His interests include formative interventions in world language education contexts, intercultural communication, indigenous language revitalization, communication across new media and mobile technologies, and research that draws upon contextual traditions of language analysis and usage-based and distributed approaches to language development.


Dr. David Millard is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Southampton, Electronics and Computer Science, UK. He has been an active member of the international hypermedia community for twenty years, firstly in the area of Open and Adaptive hypermedia and later working with Social Media Analytics, Digital Narratives, and Web Science. He is a founding member of the Web and Internet Science research group at Southampton, and is the Vice-Chair of ACM SIGWEB (the ACM Special Interest Group on the Web). David spent a number of years applying his research to e-learning, in particular digital literacy, personal-learning systems, and open educational resources (OER). His current research interests are based around personal data, privacy and digital storytelling, from citizen news

Website:  @hoosfoos

Watch a recording of David's keynote presentation here.