Welcome to the Eurocall 2017 blog!
In this blog, we’ll tell you all about our preparations for the conference and you can follow our plans and activities as we move closer to the BIG day: 23rd August and our official start day.
On 10/11th March 2017, we welcomed the EUROCALL executive board to Southampton to view our planned conference facilities and to hold an executive meeting.
The board started out their time in Southampton with a tour of the campus: we walked around the plenary rooms, teaching rooms (for paper sessions), workshop rooms and our conference hub. The registration, refreshments and lunch will all take place in Garden Court, the central building on Highfield Campus. Looking around early on a Saturday morning, Garden Court was accessorised by a snoring student, sleeping off the ‘night before!’ He won’t be there during the conference, I assure you…
The board liked what they saw – and we hope that you do too, when you join us in August!
We spent the rest of the day discussing EUROCALL Association matters. The trip was concluded by dinner at La Baronia, a local Mexican restaurant. We had an excellent dinner and we most certainly recommend it when you visit us for the conference in August!

Mirjam Hauck, John Gillespie, Toni Patton, Sake Jager, Francesca Helm, Francoise Blin (President),Oranna Speicher (hidden), Kate Borthwick, Gosia Kurek, Alex Boulton

Eurocall executive board meeting