Category: News

This is the space to read about any recent Dial-a-Molecule developments and announcements, check for new events or meeting reports and keep up with job postings and research highlights in the Grand Challenge area. Feel free to share the posts, leave your comments or request space for YOUR news item.

Promoting the Education and Deployment of Statistical Methods in Academia

Introduction More and more, chemistry is taking advantage of the technological revolution that has taken place over the last 20 years.  For example, automation of what were once seen as manual procedures can now be routinely carried out 24/7 without the need for an operator to be present. As a consequence, increasingly large amounts of …

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Enabling Data Driven Chemistry

Dial-a-Molecule Grand Challenge Institute Rapid reaction analysis has been identified by the Dial-a-Molecule Grand Challenge as an area most in need of a central facility, due to the cost of equipment/instruments, and even more critically, the provision of expertise to provide training in the use and interpretation of data. Such a facility would give access to state-of-the-art …

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Design of Experiments – Undergraduate Lab Module Transfer Workshop

University of Leeds, 16-17 September 2015 The Dial-a-Molecule Grand Challenge Network has been particularly active in promoting the education and deployment of statistical methods in Chemistry Research. Previous events held under this sub-theme of the Network have indicated that although the tools and techniques are widely used in Industry, many academics have never exploited them …

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Chemical Synthesis in the 21st Century: Dial-a-Molecule Annual Meeting 2015 Report

Did you miss the Dial-a-Molecule Annual Meeting “Chemical Synthesis in the 21st Century this year?  The meeting report is now available here

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Lead-Oriented Synthesis: Exploring Drug-Relevant Chemical Diversity

Join us on September 25th for a meeting designed to stimulate a broader recognition of, and solutions to, the challenges of lead-oriented synthesis.  More information, including confirmed speakers, can be found here.

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Chemistry Central Journal launches Dial-a-Molecule Thematic Series

Dial-a-Molecule are pleased to announce that Chemistry Central Journal have launched the “Dial-a-Molecule” Thematic Series, and the first two papers from Natalie Fey and Bao Nguyen are now available to view online.

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Meeting Report: Making Molecules to Make Materials

Making Molecules to Make Materials” was a two day meeting hosted by the EPSRC Dial-a-Molecule and Directed Assembly Grand Challenges for Early Career Researchers from the two Networks.  A report on the meeting can be found here.

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Closed Loop Optimisation of Synthesis: Meeting Report

 Closed Loop Optimisation of Synthesis” was held at GSK’s Stevenage site on 16 April 2015.  The meeting was designed to bring together researchers from chemistry and beyond, with both academic and industrial backgrounds, to discuss the state of the art and new developments in the field of closed loop optimisation.  Find the meeting report here.

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Meeting Report: ‘Chemical Sciences in the 21st Century: The role of 3D Printing’

Chemical Sciences in the 21st Century: The Role of 3D Printing: Find the highlights from the meeting here

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elnItemManifest – A metadata schema for accessing and processing ELN records

In order to exploit the vast body of currently inaccessible chemical information held in Electronic Laboratory Notebooks (ELNs) it is necessary not only to make it available but also to develop protocols for discovery, access and ultimately automatic processing. The ability to draw on the body of accumulated chemical knowledge in order to predict or …

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