Cato and Ockham on Slaughter

Anything that makes life less-worse for the victims is welcome (but watch out for hidden poison that entrenches their miserable fate even deeper)

Preserving non-stun slaughter for ā€œfreedom of cult (or culture)ā€ is an abomination: Freedom of belief, yes, but not freedom of barbaric practice (slavery, genital mutilation, animal ā€œsacrifice,ā€ gladiator sports, rodeosā€¦)

And, ceterum censeo, no sentient creature should ever be harmedĀ praeter necessitatem,Ā i.e., beyond necessity for survival (as in the case of conflict of life/death interest between obligate carnivores and their prey, including the few remaining human subsistence hunting/fishing habitats ā€“ none of which are in the UK.

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