Academic integrity

As a member of the academic community at the University of Southampton, you are expected to work in accordance with the principles of academic integrity. It includes:

  • respecting the rights of other scholars
  • fully acknowledging the work of others wherever it has contributed to your own, thereby avoiding plagiarism
  • ensuring that your own work is reported honestly
  • following accepted conventions, rules and laws when presenting your own work
  • ensuring that you follow the ethical conventions and requirements appropriate to your discipline and that you adhere to the requirements of the University Ethics Policy
  • undertaking your research responsibly, complying with all necessary legal regulations and meeting professional obligations

You should make sure that you are fully aware of the full guidance and regulations of the University of Southampton by reading and understanding these two documents:

  1. Read the University of Southampton Regulations Governing Academic Integrity (from the University Calendar)
  2. Read the Academic Integrity Guidance for Students (updated July 2021) If you are a Postgraduate research (PGR) student, you should particularly refer to section 11.2.

You will also find additional information for students about academic integrity in the University’s Quality Handbook and you should spend some time looking at the advice and guidance on this website.

You can look at a short check list for academic integrity to help you identify potential breaches of academic integrity and find out what you can to do avoid them.

Now that you have read the full guidance and regulations of the university and looked at the academic integrity information for students try testing your understanding with this short quiz by clicking on the image below (opens a new window).

Integrity quiz interactive

The next section discusses plagiarism and copyright and includes a short learning activity.

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