Author Archive | Ziqi Zheng

Applying for ERGO, Getting the Approval for Our Interviews

According to the University policies, we need to apply for the approval which is ERGO (Ethics and Research Governance Online) to process our interviews. Based on the submission process, there are three forms we need to complete. Submission – questionnaire essential information for the interview to classify the category of the investigation. Ethics Form – […]

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Marketing Strategies: Promoting Our Platform

  Besides getting investments for maintaining our website through advertising, we also need to do advertisements to promote our platform. Advertisements play important role in promoting for any kinds of platforms, especially for start-ups like us. Due to the development of the web technologies, it provides more opportunities to promote our platform online. In order […]

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Business Model

The business model of MoreThanTALK will be a peer to peer model. It means that we only provided a platform for people to get in touch with each other to communicate and share information. We do not need to train our own staff to provide the information. MoreThanTALK acts as a bridge to gather people […]

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