DECCMA’s aims are:
- To evaluate the effectiveness of adaptation options in deltas
- To assess migration as an adaptation in deltaic environments under a changing climate
- To deliver policy support to create the conditions for sustainable gender-sensitive adaptation
DECCMA’s objectives are:
- To understand the governance mechanisms that promote or hinder migration of men and women in deltas
- To identify climate change impact hotspots in deltas where vulnerability will grow and adaptation will be needed
- To understand the conditions that promote migration and its outcomes, as well as gender-specific adaptation options for trapped populations, via surveys
- To understand how climate-change-driven global and national macro-economic processes impact on migration of men and women in deltas
- To produce an integrated systems-based bio-physical and socio-economic model to investigate potential future gendered migration under climate change
- To conceptualise and evaluate migration within a wide suite of potential adaptation options at both the household and delta level
- To identify feasible and desirable adaptation options and support implementation of stakeholder led gender-sensitive adaptation policy choices
DECCMA research will inform the following questions:
- What is the current migration trend in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna, Volta and Mahanadi deltas?
- What are the drivers of migration in these deltas today?
- How might these drivers change in the future?
- What are the current and potential adaptation options, including the role of migration?
- Which adaptation options (planned and autonomous) are successful today and could be in the future?
- What are the impacts of other adaptation options on migration?