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rti example

Ultraviolet RTI

A painted and incised ceramic vessel was used as case study in an attempt to evaluate the efficiency of Reflected UV (UVR) RTI and UV induced visible fluorescence (UVF) RTI. Gnathian skyphos from the University of Southampton Archaeological Collection The Highlight RTI data capture took place at the archaeological imaging laboratory of the University of Southampton, using a UV-VIS-IR modified DSLR camera, adequate filters and lighting. Continue reading →

Night with Gertrude. And Victor.

Updated Dec 9th: Video added. Gertrude with high altar behind Gertrude is an old lady. About 600 years old. She is one of the wooden statues at the high altar in St. Nicholas’ Church, Tallinn. Gertrude is reviled to the public three times a year. Rest of the time she and other status are hidden behind the massive altar wings. Those altar wings are covered with medieval comic strip about life of St. Nicholas and St. Victor. Continue reading →

Late Bronze Age Stelae, Craftspeople and Digital Technologies: Some Recent Explorations

Reflectance Transformation Imaging (RTI) is revealing itself as a very powerful tool to examine prehistoric rock art. Through the application of different filters and the manipulation of the incidence of light, RTI provides an enhanced visual experience of the micro-topography of engraved stones, enabling the detection of subtle details that are difficult, at times impossible, to be seen through other recording techniques. Continue reading →

RTI & the Late Bronze Age stela of Mirasiviene

This Late Bronze Age (LBA) stela was found many years ago in a country-estate located in the Guadalquivir Valley (South Spain). Last September David Wheatley (University of Southampton), Leonardo García Sanjuán (University of Seville) and I have conducted fieldwork on the site where it was found (see also: previous post). We have also applied advanced techniques to obtain a detailed recording of the stela: RTI and laser scanning. Continue reading →

RTI & a prehistoric pottery sherd from Mirasiviene

While fieldwalking the country-estate of Mirasiviene, where the eponymous Late Bronze Stela was found (see: RTI shedding new light on Iberian Late Bronze Age stelae and RTI & the Late Bronze Age stela of Mirasiviene), we located an exceptional settlement. This is one of the many pottery sherds found on its surface. This sherd is a piece of hand-thrown pottery with a thick wall, probably once part of a large scale container. Continue reading →

RTI & the decorated stela of Montoro

This decorated stela was found some years ago nearby the town of Montoro, in the Middle Guadalquivir Valley (Córdoba, South Spain). In September, David Wheatley (University of Southampton), Leonardo García Sanjuán (University of Seville) and I have conducted fieldwork to inspect the place where it was found and we have also applied enhanced techniques to record the stela, that is, RTI and laser scanning. Continue reading →