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Classical and historical archaeology, Page 3


During the 2013 excavation season whilst completing a series of laser scan models of the site I also completed a number of photogrammetry captures of specific artefacts. The following are a few examples of the work completed and allows for a virtual record that can be used by archaeologists off site within their analysis of these artefacts. The Roman architectural fragments illustrated here are currently being studied by Dottssa Eleonora Gasparini through this process. Continue reading →

Outstanding Biographies: The Forgotten Lives of Prehistoric Monuments in Europe

Next Friday, 6 September 2013, we will be running a very special session at the 19th Annual Meeting of the EAA in Pilsen (Czech Republic), a session dedicated to the lives of prehistoric monuments in Iron Age, Roman and Medieval Europe. Leading scholars in the field will be gathered to present the outstanding biographies of some megalithic monuments, stelae, statue-menhirs and rock art sites in various European and Mediterranean regions. Continue reading →

PhD Studentship at the University of Southampton

Trade and commerce in Rome’s hinterland in the early and middle Republican period: Material culture approaches Applications are invited for a fully funded Distance-Learning Doctoral Award at the Discipline of Archaeology, University of Southampton from October 2013. It arises out of the research collaboration between the University of Southampton and the British School at Rome that has been ongoing since 2006. Continue reading →

Laser Scanning at Portus

In October of 2012 myself and Gareth Beale were in Portus collecting a series of datasets, these included a series of high resolution 360 panoramas around the site which Gareth has processed and a full laser scan model of the Palazzo Imperiale. The panoramas have been explained in a previous post by Gareth and after several months of processing the data, I am able to present some of the completed work through this blog. Continue reading →

Identities & Islam

On 19th-20th April the University of Southampton Faculty of Humanities hosted Identities & Islam: The First UK Early Career Symposium on Islamic Archaeology - an event created by myself and Sarah Inskip in the Department of Archaeology. What is Islamic Archaeology? The term Islamic Archaeology, though it is sometimes used to mean archaeological research relating to the religion of Islam itself (as opposed to the archaeology of Christianity, Buddhism, etc. Continue reading →

Conflict and Heritage in Kabul

Last week I finally found time to open a book I bought a few weeks ago, William Dalrymple’s latest epic on the First Anglo-Afghan war, Return of a King: the Battle for Afghanistan (Bloomsbury 2013). Having read a number of highly complementary reviews, and indeed, having recently heard the author speak on the topic at an event organised by the wonderful independent bookshop Topping & Co., in my parents’ home town of Ely, my expectations of enjoyment are high. Continue reading →