Stephen Kay
I’m the Molly Cotton Fellow at the British School at Rome, and at Portus am responsible for the topographical survey and building recording. My main research interest is in landscape survey, which means I work with geophysical survey, unmanned aerial photography, topographical survey and excavation. I have been involved in the work at Portus since 1998 when I was an undergraduate (Durham University) and we undertook the first geophysical survey. I later studied for a Masters in Archaeological Computing (MSc) at University of Southampton and subsequently worked for the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage as well as with the Soprintendenza Comunale of Rome.
Since 2005 I have been working at the British School at Rome, a humanities research institute based in Rome. I have managed and been involved in many geophysical surveys and excavations throughout Italy and the Mediterranean, and more recently in Africa. When I am not working at Portus, I am a field director of the “Segni Project”, a 3 year research project between the British School at Rome and the Comune di Segni. Between 2005 and 2012 I also field directed the British School at Rome's excavation of a Roman villa as part of the Falacrinae Research Project which we are now publishing.
For more about my research see: