Basing House Video: Three Weeks in Two Minutes!
Peter has made this super awesome timelapse video of the summer excavation.
Peter is a Masters student studying the Virtual Pasts MSc. He is looking at the use of online technologies for archaeology. Peter has been working on developing online experiences for the Portus Project, another University of Southampton fieldwork project. The Portus Project will soon have its own MOOC; an online virtual learning environment that will introduce the archaeology of Portus.
This timelapse video is made up of images taken with a GoPro camera, which triggered automatically every 30 seconds. Peter set the camera up at a number of locations around and in the trench to create this great composition.
The soundtrack is performed by a good friend of ours, Gregorio Merchán. You can find more of his excellent music on his SoundCloud site.
For the ultimate viewing experience, use the buttons at the bottom of the video to change to HD (high definition) and to play in full-screen. Enjoy!
A big thanks to Peter Wheeler for making this brilliant video!
We owe him some beers!
Filed under: Archaeologist Portraits, Images, Recording Methodology, Summer Excavation Tagged: peter-wheeler, timelapse, trench, video