Basing House Project Joins Pinterest

We’re now on Pinterest! Some of the team are big pinners, and have been busy setting up a Basing House Project Pinterest page. Our intention is to collect pins about all things Basing House related, as inspiration for team members.

As a starter, here is our first board, Tudor Objects, which pulls together objects from Hampshire that are the kinds of things that a Tudor visitor to Basing House might have been familiar with.

These objects come from lots of different online collections, including those cared for by locally based organisations such as the Hampshire Museums Collections, Winchester Museums, Portsmouth Museums, the Southampton City Council Archaeology Collections Online. There are also some Hampshire objects that are looked after by national organisations, such as the National Maritime Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum, and the British Museum. We have also included some objects held in the record of the excellent Portable Antiquities Scheme online database, which gives access to objects recorded by the scheme, many of which have been found by metal detectorists. Do take a look at these collections, as there are lots more objects online at their websites that are not included in this board.

A big thanks to all of these organisations for sharing the images of these objects so that we have been able to collect them together online in Pinterest. We think that it is very important to make images of objects available online to increase the reach of these artefacts. We’re planning to share the photographs of our small finds online in the Autumn. We’ll probably give them a dedicated Pinterest board as well!

Follow Basing House’s board Tudor Objects on Pinterest.

Filed under: 2014 Excavation, Finds, Images Tagged: artefacts, collections, images, objects, photographs, pins, pinterest, tudor