Gaussian Gargoyles

The frustration of democrats with the Orban depredations in Hungary is understandable, but their fatalism is neither warranted nor helpful.

I’ve looked for a suitable emotional analogy, and the closest recent one that comes to mind is Trump.

His vile, vulgar, vicious antics are outrageous in much the way Orban’s are. Trump has money, Orban has power (and steals money). The styles are different, but the ethics are the same: nil. Both leave decent people dismayed that so many people can not only put up with it but embrace it, for so long.

Both are sad signs about the demography of decency in our times. But their support comes from the tail end of the normal distribution, meaner than the mean. And time’s tail is longer.

Le Pen was upended in France. Let’s see whether Trump gets dumped in the US.

Then comes the turn of Orban and his clan

Doing the Right Thing — Faire ce qui est juste


This is why people need to be informed that what they are wearing is the body of an innocent victim that has suffered terror, agony and slaughter just to decorate someone’s collar. Most people are decent. They simply don’t realize the horror; they believe the lie that it’s “fake fur.” Once they awaken, they will realize not just that, but much more. Till then the torment and terror continue unabated, and Canada Goose keeps counting its receipts.


VoilĂ  pourquoi il faut chercher incessamment Ă  informer et Ă  sensibiliser ceux autour de nous. La plupart des gens ne savent pas qu’ils portent le corps d’une vraie victime innocente qui a subi la terreur, l’angoisse et l’abattage impitoyable juste pour dĂ©corer leur collier. La plupart des gens sont dĂ©cents. Ils sont tout simplement dans l’ignorance concernant les horreurs; ils ne se posent pas de questions; ils croient les mensonges que leur racontent les vendeurs et mĂȘme les etiquettes Ă  l’effet qu’il s’agit de la «fausse fourrure». Une fois rĂ©veillĂ©s, ils rĂ©aliseront non seulement ça, mais beaucoup plus que ça. Jusqu’alors, le tourment et l’agonie persistent sans relĂąche, et le Canada Goose continue Ă  compter ses quittances.


Tous les jetons qui tombent, tardivement: « Cowboy » — jamais un concept sympathique — se rĂ©vĂšle maintenant dans sa vraie forme diabolique.

Heart-breaking and hard to watch
but if you drink milk, eat cheese, eat veal, eat beef,
you owe it to yourself (and to them) to watch.
Then if you have a heart,
you will never touch them again

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A mother anxiously protecting her baby

A mother cow anxiously protecting her newborn baby from being separated from her.Every one of us can choose whether he or she wants to be part of the vicious cycle that takes place in the meat & dairy industry.

Posted by Best Video You Will Ever See on Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Innocence et culpabilité

C’est sĂ»r que le mot « innocent » n’est pas le descripteur exact pour les victimes. Mais il communique quand-mĂȘme le sens d’une injustice, d’une souffrance dĂ©plorable, d’une victime Ă  pitier, Ă  protĂ©ger. Tout ça c’est important pour rĂ©veiller l’empathie et la dĂ©fense (ainsi que le dĂ©sistement, si c’est moi-mĂȘme qui cause la souffrance Ă  la victime). Donc ne faisons pas trop de reproches Ă  ce mot inexact mais quand-mĂȘme efficace.

La confusion provient en partie du fait que — contraitement Ă  l’inexactitude de « innocent » soit pour dĂ©crire la victime soit pour dĂ©finir le crime — « coupable » est certes le descripteur prĂ©cis du perpĂ©trateur des crimes que nous commettons envers nos victimes. Et bien qu’on commet ces crimes envers toutes les espĂšces d’ĂȘtres sensibles, envers les humains ces crimes sont dĂ©jĂ  illĂ©gaux et poursuivis — et rejetĂ©s et considĂ©rĂ©s odieux et aberrant par la vaste majoritĂ© des humains — tandis qu’envers les animaux, s’est l’inverse.

Ce qui fait que nos crimes envers les victimes animales sont de loin les plus monstrueux et abominables, quantitativement ainsi que qualitativement.

La poursuite et la consommation de sa proie par un prĂ©dateur affamĂ© sans choix est cruelle mais pas un crime. C’est quand la prĂ©dation n’est pas impĂ©rative, quand il y des options innocentes que ça devient un crime indicible.

A bosszĂș nĂ©pe (magyarok tĂŒkörkĂ©pe)

[I did not really appreciate the full force of the loathsomeness of Akos Kovacs‘s jaded jingo jingle, below, until I translated it into English (stilted, so as to match the original: no effort at prettification here). Note the three lines starting with *asterisks, added to obfuscate, or on the advice of attorneys, or as yet another symptom of how deeply this vicious, paranoid delusion has wormed its way into the Hungarian psyche. To find the people of vengeance Hungarians need go no further than their mirrors.]

A BosszĂș NĂ©pe — The People of Vengeance

Ákos Kovåcs

[Kovacs is a recipient of Hungary’s Kossuth Prize — a once-prestigious award now being cheapened by the Orban regime, which has lately tried (unsuccessfully) to rescind from a past recipient, Akos Kertesz, who sought and was granted asylum in Canada because he was being persecuted in Hungary for having condemned the very trait — in Hungarians — that Akos Kovacs is floridly exhibiting in his hate-lyrics. Kovacs also wrote the sound-track for Maria Schmidt’s Budapest “House of Terror”, a monstrously distorted memorial bemoaning Hungary’s victimhood while obscuring and obfuscating Hungary’s own responsibility for the horrors.]

    A bosszĂș nĂ©pe — The people of vengeance
    Ăšgy tenne jĂ©gre, — Would so dispose of you
    Hogy ne is vedd Ă©szre, — That you wouldn’t even notice
    Hogy elpusztĂ­t — You were being destroyed

A lĂ©lek ĂŒressĂ©ge, — Emptiness of spirit
A mĂ©rce kettőssĂ©ge, — Double standards
Egy bosszĂșĂĄllĂł isten — A vindictive god’s
Torzult tĂŒkörkĂ©pe — Distorted mirror-image
E szorgos nĂ©p, ha perbe fog, — This sedulous people, if it pursues you
TĂ©ged elevenen tűzre dob, — Throws you alive into the fire
A harag rĂ©me, a bĂ©ke vĂ©ge, — A reign of terror, the end of peace
Tombol a bosszĂș nĂ©pe. — Wreacks the people of vengeance

    A bosszĂș nĂ©pe — The people of vengeance
    Ăšgy tenne jĂ©gre, — Would so dispose of you
    Hogy ne is vedd Ă©szre, — That you wouldn’t even notice
    Hogy elpusztĂ­t — You were being destroyed

Ne szabadkozz: Te szabad vagy, — Don’t beg pardon, you are free
A hatalmad magadnak akartad, — You wanted the power for yourself,
HĂĄt szabad-e hagynod, hogy fĂșrja-tĂ©pje — So why should the people of vengeance be free
HazĂĄdat folyton a bosszĂș nĂ©pe? — To tear and shred your homeland?
FĂ©lnek tőled, rettegnek, — They fear you, they cower,
És inkább elevenen esznek meg, — And rather eat you alive
Csak nehogy el tudd mondani vĂ©gre, — Just so you shouldn’t be able to tell
Hogyan gyĂŒlöl a bosszĂș nĂ©pe. — How the people of vengeance hate you

    A bosszĂș nĂ©pe — The people of vengeance
    Ăšgy tenne jĂ©gre, — Would so dispose of you
    Hogy ne is vedd Ă©szre, — That you wouldn’t even notice
    Hogy elpusztĂ­t — You were being destroyed

A gyűlölet rabja — The slaves of hatred
Majd kiforgatja — Will turn upside down
Minden szavamat Ă©s ĂĄtkoz — My every word, and will curse
*Mert aki brancsoknak tagja, — Because those who are members of the branch
*Az ukázba kapja, — Are trained in the Ukase
*Hogy ĂŒssön, ha nem tartozol a pĂĄrthoz. — To beat you if you are not in the party.

    A bosszĂș nĂ©pe — The people of vengeance
    Ăšgy tenne jĂ©gre, — Would so dispose of you
    Hogy ne is vedd Ă©szre, — That you wouldn’t even notice
    Hogy elpusztĂ­t — You were being destroyed

DĂșdold ezt a dalt, — Croon this song
És aki gyűlöl majd Ă©rte, — And those who hate you for it:
Az lesz a bosszĂș nĂ©pe! — Those are the people of vengeance!

Noun String Grammar Intolerance Excess Complaints

No, “Jew Laws” is not the least bit ungrammatical: It faithfully expresses both the meaning and the flavor of the odious Hungarian original. Like many features of the extremely adaptable, accepting (but sometimes awkward and ungainly) English language, noun strings work (though grammarians — always the ultimate losers when it comes to language evolution — solemnly advise against them, sometimes for stylistic reasons, sometimes because they — the strings, that is — can be ambiguous). Newspaper headline writers, military jargonauts, technical manual scribblers and hate speech mongers love ’em.

Hurting for Pleasure

All mammals, birds, fish, and probably all invertebrates are sentient, meaning they feel. Plants almost certainly do not feel. Most people would agree that it is wrong to hurt or kill sentient beings if it is not vitally necessary. “Not vitally necessary” means not necessary for survival or health, the way it is necessary for obligate carnivores like lions to hunt and eat their prey. (Human beings are facultative omnivores, meaning we can live and be healthy either as carnivores or as herbivores: we have a choice.) As long as we continue to hurt and kill sentient beings, needlessly, for food, clothing, fashion, sport, combat or entertainment it will continue to be the greatest crime of our species against all species (including our own), alongside the crimes we have renounced and outlawed: violence, rape, torture, homicide, genocide, enslavement and subjugation. Let us hope that admitting animals are sentient is the first step along the road to ending at last the horrors we inflict on them, needlessly.

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4 DÉCEMBRE 2015 Pour ceux et celles qui n'ont pas pu suivre en direct le vote sur le projet de loi 54 à l'Assemblée nationale, nous vous en présentons l'extrait vidéo.POUR 109CONTRE 0ABSTENTIONS 0

Posted by Action citoyenne responsable des animaux de compagnie au QuĂ©bec (ACRACQ) on Friday, December 4, 2015

Orders of Magnanimity

Of course multibillionnaire Mark Zuckerberg is orders of magnitude more ethical to contribute 99% of his $45B wealth to the planet’s needs and needy rather than to keep it all for himself. But reserving $440M for one multimillionaire child is not exactly altruism either. 1% of that ($4.4M) would stll have left little Max extremely well off for life, and far better off than 99.99% of the planet.

(That said, if he does as he has promised, MZ will nevertheless become the most magnanimous of multibillionaires today — and perhaps ever…)

Medicating the Problem of Evil

Is evil a “pathology“?

No “professional” opinion, as I’m not a professional in this (or any) area.

My belief happens to be that (apart from the inevitable, but small, quota of genetic psychopaths) what we call “evil” is a consequence of learning and culture rather than genes or “pathogens.”

Is learned cruelty a “disease”? Perhaps the way gambling and alcoholism are, in the sense that they can sometimes be unlearned (“cured,” or at least pushed into remission) by “therapy” (and some are born with more of a propensity towards it than others).

But calling such learned behaviors a “disease” is just playing with words. If the effects of air pollution are a disease, what is it when the pollutant is cultural (“cognitive”)?

Or maybe the question should be whether nationalism, religious zealotry, xenophobia, machismo and other malign “memes” are “pathogens”? That’s probably literally true in some sense, yet still remains more metaphorical than medical (just as a lot else that passes for psychology does). “Prevention” and “cure” depend on education and culture, not medicine. The right analogy there is not the effects of air pollution (or poverty, or injustice), but its causes: “pathogenogens”?

Unless someone finds a drug or surgery…