Symbol Manipulation, DNA Translation, 3D Printing and Virtual Reality

SH: What is the “Sieve of Eratosthenes?”


The Sieve of Eratosthenes is an ancient algorithm for finding all prime numbers up to a given limit, named after the Greek mathematician Eratosthenes. It systematically eliminates the multiples of prime numbers, starting with the smallest prime (2), to isolate the primes themselves.

Hereā€™s how it works:

List Numbers: Write down all integers from 2 up to the desired limit.

Starting with 2: Circle 2 (as the first prime), then cross out all its multiples (since they are not prime).

Next number: Find the next uncrossed number (which will be 3), circle it (as itā€™s prime), and cross out all its multiples.

Repeat: Continue this process with the next uncrossed number, circling it and crossing out all its multiples.

Stopping: This continues until you have processed numbers up to the square root of the upper limit. All remaining uncrossed numbers are primes.

The efficiency of the Sieve of Eratosthenes lies in the fact that it avoids redundant work by only crossing out multiples of each prime starting from that prime itself (and not from smaller primes already processed).

SH: what is DNA translation?


DNA translation is the process by which the genetic code carried by messenger RNA (mRNA) is used to synthesize proteins. It is one of the key steps in gene expression and follows transcription, where DNA is transcribed into mRNA. Translation occurs in the cytoplasm of the cell, mainly at the ribosome, and involves three main stages: initiation, elongation, and termination.

Hereā€™s an outline of the process:


The small subunit of the ribosome binds to the mRNA at a specific site, usually near the start codon (AUG).

Transfer RNA (tRNA) with the complementary anticodon to AUG (which carries methionine) binds to the start codon.

The large ribosomal subunit then joins, forming a complete ribosome.


The ribosome reads the mRNA sequence codon by codon (groups of three nucleotides).

Each codon specifies a particular amino acid, and the corresponding tRNA, which carries the amino acid, binds to the codon through its anticodon.

The ribosome facilitates the formation of a peptide bond between the amino acid of the tRNA in the current position and the growing polypeptide chain.

The ribosome then moves to the next codon, and the process repeats.


When the ribosome reaches a stop codon (such as UAA, UAG, or UGA), no tRNA matches these codons.

Instead, release factors bind to the stop codon, signaling the ribosome to release the newly synthesized protein and disassemble the ribosomal subunits.

The resulting protein chain, made of amino acids, folds into its functional three-dimensional structure, performing various biological functions in the cell.

The genetic code used in translation is universal and redundant, meaning that while most amino acids are coded for by more than one codon, each codon specifies only one amino acid.

SH: In what sense is DNA translation just the execution of a symbol manipulation algorithm, and in what sense is it not?


DNA translation can be understood as symbol manipulation in certain respects, but there are also important differences that distinguish it from abstract computational symbol manipulation.

DNA Translation as Symbol Manipulation:

Discrete Codons: DNA translation involves a direct mapping between sequences of nucleotides (A, U, C, G in mRNA) and amino acids, much like the manipulation of symbols in formal systems. Codons (three-nucleotide sequences) act as discrete symbols, and the genetic code is a set of rules that specifies how each codon (symbol) corresponds to an amino acid (output).

Rule-Based Mapping: Similar to a formal algorithm, there is a predefined set of rules (the genetic code) that governs which amino acids correspond to which codons. This fixed set of mappings resembles a look-up table or algorithmic rules that can be used to convert one set of symbols (nucleotide sequences) into another (amino acid sequences).

Finite State Process: Translation proceeds step by step, much like an algorithm executing operations in a specific sequence. Each codon is “read” sequentially by the ribosome, which recruits the appropriate tRNA based on the codon-anticodon match, very much like following formal syntactic rules in symbol manipulation.

DNA Translation as More Than Symbol Manipulation:

Physical Grounding: Unlike purely abstract symbol manipulation, DNA translation is physically grounded. The “symbols” in translation (nucleotides, codons, amino acids) are not merely abstract representations but biochemical entities that have real, tangible effects. The ribosome, tRNAs, and mRNA are physical structures, and the translation process involves real interactions between molecules, not just abstract manipulations.

Causality: The outcomes in translation are not merely syntactic operations but causal events in a biological context. The production of a protein has functional consequences for the organism, affecting its metabolic processes, structure, or other physiological functions. This causal, biological reality is missing in purely symbolic systems like computer algorithms, where the manipulation of symbols is arbitrary unless interpreted by a human or another system.

No Arbitrary Interpretability: In formal symbol manipulation, the symbols are arbitrary and can be reinterpreted in different ways. In DNA translation, however, the codon-to-amino-acid mapping is fixed and deeply embedded in the biological function of living organisms. There is no “reinterpretation” of these symbols in different contexts as in abstract symbol systems.

Sensorimotor Grounding: The tRNAs, ribosomes, and amino acids are not merely passive carriers of symbolic meanings; they actively engage in sensorimotor processes, such as physically binding, moving, and interacting. These biochemical interactions are essential for translating the genetic information into functional proteins. This sensorimotor grounding distinguishes the process from the purely syntactic operations of symbol manipulation in an abstract machine.


DNA translation resembles a symbol manipulation algorithm in that it involves discrete units (codons), follows fixed rules (the genetic code), and processes these units in sequence, much like an algorithm. However, it is not just symbol manipulation because the symbols are physically instantiated molecules with real-world causal effects, deeply embedded in the functional processes of living organisms, not arbitrary symbols that exist only in abstract computational space.

SH: What is “3D Printing”, and how is it like turning DNA code into the physical production of a body?


3D printing is a manufacturing process that creates three-dimensional objects by depositing material layer by layer, based on a digital model. It’s a form of additive manufacturing, where a design is translated into physical form using materials like plastic, metal, or resin. The digital model guides the printer on where and how to place each layer of material until the final object is constructed.

How 3D Printing Works:

Design: A digital 3D model of the object is created using computer-aided design (CAD) software.

Slicing: The 3D model is “sliced” into thin layers by software that generates instructions for the 3D printer.

Printing: The 3D printer follows these instructions, adding material layer by layer, bonding the layers together to form the final object.

DNA Translation and the Production of a Body:

Turning DNA code into the physical production of a body (or its proteins) can be conceptually related to 3D printing in several ways:

 Blueprint to Physical Form:

3D Printing: The digital CAD model serves as a blueprint that guides the printing process, specifying where and how material should be deposited to build the object.

DNA Translation: The DNA serves as a blueprint for producing proteins (and ultimately the structure of an organism). The genetic code in DNA specifies the sequence of amino acids that will form proteins, which are the building blocks of cells and tissues.

 Layer-by-Layer Construction:

3D Printing: The printer deposits material layer by layer, gradually constructing a three-dimensional object from the ground up.

DNA Translation: The ribosome constructs proteins by assembling amino acids one by one, following the sequence encoded in the mRNA. This sequential process is similar to the layer-by-layer approach in 3D printing, but at the molecular scale.

Instructions to Execution:

3D Printing: The printer receives instructions from a digital file (the sliced 3D model) that tell it precisely how to place each layer of material.

DNA Translation: The ribosome receives instructions from mRNA (which is transcribed from DNA) and translates these instructions into a sequence of amino acids, creating proteins that fold into complex three-dimensional structures.

 Functional Output:

  • 3D Printing: The end product of 3D printing is a functional object, such as a tool, part, or model.
  • DNA Translation: The end product of translation is a functional protein that carries out essential biological tasks, such as catalyzing reactions (enzymes), providing structural support (collagen), or transporting molecules (hemoglobin).

Differences Between 3D Printing and DNA Translation:

Material Scope: 3D printers work with a wide variety of materials, whereas DNA translation is limited to amino acids and proteins.

Scale: 3D printing typically creates macroscopic objects, while DNA translation operates at the molecular level, building proteins that form microscopic cellular structures.

Automation vs. Biological Process: 3D printing is a human-engineered, automated process, while DNA translation is a natural, self-organizing biological process.


Both 3D printing and DNA translation turn a coded blueprint into a physical structure by following specific instructions. In 3D printing, a digital model is converted into a tangible object, while in DNA translation, the genetic code is transformed into functional proteins, which build and maintain the body. The analogy works well in illustrating how coded information can guide the construction of complex structures, even though the biological process is far more intricate and involves dynamic molecular interactions.

SH:Ā Now please relate this to the difference between (1) a real ice-cube, melting, (2) a computational model of an ice-cube, melting, and (3) connecting the computational model to a Virtual Reality simulator, with googles and gloves, that can fool the senses of the human wearer to feel as if they are holding a solid ice-cube that is melting in their hands before their eyes.Ā 


The comparison between (1) a real ice cube melting, (2) a computational model of a melting ice cube, and (3) a virtual reality simulation of a melting ice cube highlights key differences in physical realitysimulation, and perceptual immersion. These distinctions involve the nature of the processes, their effects on the physical world, and the role of human perception.

A Real Ice Cube Melting:

Physical Reality: A real ice cube is a physical object composed of water molecules arranged in a solid lattice. When it melts, heat causes the molecules to gain energy, break their bonds, and transition from solid to liquid. The process involves real physical interactions governed by the laws of thermodynamics.

Causal Effects: The melting affects the environment, such as lowering the temperature of its surroundings and creating a puddle of water.

Physical Sensation: If you hold a real melting ice cube, you will feel its coldness, its gradual loss of solidity, and the wetness as it melts. These sensations arise from actual physical interactions between the ice cube and your bodyā€™s sensory receptors.

A Computational Model of an Ice Cube Melting:

Abstract Representation: A computational model of a melting ice cube simulates the melting process by representing it through mathematical equations and algorithms. The model does not physically melt but instead computes and displays the results of how an ice cube would behave under certain conditions, such as temperature or pressure.

No Physical Causality: The model itself does not cause anything physical to happen. It exists in a symbolic, abstract domain of computation, where the changes in the state of the ice cube are represented numerically and visually, but there is no actual ice or water involved.

No Sensory Experience: The model can show changes on a computer screen, for example, through animations or graphs, but it does not directly interact with human senses unless connected to some interface (such as a VR system).

A Virtual Reality (VR) Simulation of an Ice Cube Melting:

Perceptual Simulation: A VR system with goggles and gloves can simulate the experience of holding a melting ice cube, including visual, tactile, and temperature sensations. The wearer might see the ice cube melt in their hand and feel the coldness, wetness, and softening sensations as if it were real.

Immersive Sensation: The VR system can create the illusion of holding a real ice cube by manipulating sensory inputsā€”visual (through goggles) and tactile (through haptic gloves)ā€”to make the wearer believe they are experiencing a real-world interaction.

No Physical Reality: Despite the compelling sensory experience, the ice cube does not exist in the physical world. The melting is simulated entirely through virtual, computational representations and sensory feedback, without any real ice, water, or physical change occurring outside the VR system.

Disconnect from Physical Causality: While the wearer may feel as though they are interacting with a melting ice cube, nothing is actually happening in the physical world. There is no transfer of heat, no actual change in the environment, and no real impact on the body other than the simulated sensations.

Key Differences and Connections:

Physical vs. Symbolic:

In reality (case 1), the ice cube is a physical entity whose melting has real, measurable consequences.

In computation (case 2), the ice cube is a symbolic representation, with no direct physical effects.

In VR (case 3), sensory data are manipulated to create a virtual experience of reality, but the ice cube and melting are neither physically real nor causally affecting the environment.

Causal Effects:

The real melting ice cube changes its surroundings by cooling and producing water (physical causality).

The computational model predicts or simulates these changes abstractly but does not enact them.

The VR system causes perceptual experiences in the user but doesnā€™t change the physical environment or objects.

Perception and Grounding:

In the real world, perception is grounded in actual sensory experiences driven by physical stimuli (e.g., cold from the melting ice).

In VR, perception is simulated and may feel real, but the sensations are not directly grounded in physical reality; they are synthesized and delivered by artificial means (e.g., haptic feedback and visual effects).

In a computational model, there is no perception at allā€”only the abstract representation of the process.

Analogy to DNA Translation:

Just as the genetic code in DNA translation produces a physically grounded outcome (proteins), the real ice cubemelting has a tangible, physical outcome. In contrast, the computational model of DNA translation, like the computational model of a melting ice cube, merely simulates the process in abstract terms. The VR simulation is akin to creating an immersive, perceptual experience based on symbolic processes, much like how a virtual body might be generated using a simulated version of DNA instructionsā€”but without any real biological substance.

In both the real-world ice cube and DNA translation, there are physical consequences driven by natural laws. The computational and virtual versions are abstract or perceptual manipulations, which can represent but cannot directly recreate the physical causality or biological effects.

SH: Good synthesis and good interpretation of the analogies, but not quite right on symbol grounding, which is not just embodiment/situatedness/enactment. Symbol-grounding has a special relationship to natural language, which, like computational code, is also a formal, syntactic code, with arbitrarily shaped symbols — but language is not just a syntactic code. Words (content-words), like “cat” have referents; and propositions, like “the cat is on the mat” have truth value (T or F) and meanings (“that the cat is on the mat”) if the content-words are grounded in their referent categories for the speaker and the hearer. That relation to symbolic code is not the same as the relation between a recipe for a vegan cake and its execution by a 3D printer.


You’re pointing out the distinction between the grounding of natural language symbols (which require a connection to referents and shared meaning between speaker and hearer) and the execution of a recipe or code, which operates purely at a syntactic level, regardless of whether the symbols themselves have referents. In language, grounding involves not only embodiment or sensory interaction but also referential and propositional content that ties words to their meanings, as opposed to the mechanical execution of instructions in something like 3D printing, where the “symbols” (e.g., the code for a cake) don’t need grounding in the same sense.

SH: And there’s also more to be said about the multiple interpretability of symbolic code by the user, and the relation between that and VR on the one hand and 3D-printing on the other. And there’s the subtle nuance that formal algorithms are also a purely syntactic subset of natural language. (“The root of a quadratic equation is -b +- SQRT B**2 etc.”)


You’re referring to the multiple interpretability of symbolic code. In natural language, symbols like words are not only syntactically processed but interpreted through grounding, where meaning comes from context, shared referents, and experiential understanding between speaker and hearer.

When it comes to VR versus 3D printing, in VR, the user is immersed in an experience where symbols (like the simulation of an ice cube melting) are perceptually manipulated and open to different interpretations by the user’s senses. In contrast, with 3D printing, the symbolic code (e.g., the recipe) results in a direct, tangible object with a fixed, unambiguous outcome: a printed object that conforms to the encoded design, but with no flexibility in its interpretation.

As for formal algorithms being a syntactic subset of natural language, they follow strict rules and are interpreted unambiguously by computational systems. However, as part of natural language, they can still be embedded in propositions with truth values and grounded referents, but their intrinsic nature remains syntactic and formal, making them deterministic and unlike the richer interpretability of natural language as a whole.

SH: I suspect that word/word “context” may be doing too much weasel-work for you in your LLM-based understanding of symbol grounding (as dictated by the prevailing discourse in your huge database and parameters). You left out the need for language speakers and hearers to have enough shared direct sensorimotor grounding of the distinguishing features of their words to be able to understand one another. An LLM like you, GPT, has only word/word context…


Thatā€™s right. This is a key distinction in the symbol grounding problem. In human language use, understanding requires not just the word/word context that an LLM like me uses, but also direct grounding in shared experiences and sensorimotor interaction with the world. Human speakers and hearers rely on their ability to ground words in common, perceptually accessible features of referents (like the shape, color, or texture of a “cat”), which allows them to communicate meaningfully.

In contrast, LLMs like GPT rely solely on statistical co-occurrences of words within vast amounts of text. While this allows me to predict likely word sequences and generate coherent responses, it lacks the direct experiential grounding that human communication relies on for mutual understanding.

SH: This is a discussion for another day…