Open Access when applied to publications means that content is freely available to anyone anywhere in the world that has an internet connection. Which is great for the user, but for those writing content we know open access can be confusing with an abundance of acronyms and different terms to navigate and understand. We’ve put together a jargon buster to help. We’ve a few entries below to give you an idea, but you can download the full guide below or on the University of Southampton Library LibGuides
APC/Article Processing Charge: fee charged by some journals for publishing an article open access
Creative Commons licenses: Creative Commons is an organisation which has released freely-available copyright licenses. These licenses allow people to say how they would like to share their work. They are designed to help people share their works more easily without barriers at the point of use. It tells the user what they can do with the work Licenses take the form of CC (Creative Commons) followed by 1- 3 sets of 2 letters.
ORCID ID: This is a unique researcher ID. It helps avoid confusion between researchers with the same or similar names. ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor IDentifier.
Press Embargo: A press embargo is when authors cannot publicly share details of their article/book etc until a date set by the publisher ā usually the date of first publication. This is important for press releases and taxonomic works. Please contact if a press embargo is required on your research output.
Transformative Agreement/TA: a deal we have with a publisher, generally negotiated nationally, providing open access at no cost to the author. Find out more: