With good preparation, Hospital Heist can become an amazing day for students and teachers alike. Below are all the resources for before the day to look over, at the beginning of the day to kick it off, and for the end of the day to conclude everything. Each session has it’s own page with it’s own important documents and resources, however the framework for the day can be found here. If you have any queries about this site, the resources on it, or about getting support running a Hospital Heist day, please email supo@soton.ac.uk.
Preparation for before the day:
Complete Workbook for Teachers
Complete Workbook for Students
Graphical Technician Resources
Criminal Crib Sheet (included in Complete Workbook for Teachers)
Ensure that materials from each session are also printed from the Graphical Technician Resources.
Beginning of the day:
Opening Assembly for Students (video below)
Newspaper Headline (can potentially incorporated into Opening Assembly presentation)
End of the day:
Closing Assembly for Students (video below)