HelloTalk Overview Like WeSpeke, Hello Talk is an online social network that is using a chat application to help people to learn how to speak a new language. References [1] J. Stewart, ‘How does Technology Make Money?’, University of Southampton, 2018.
Archive | Analysis of Existing Tools
Why look at existing Social Network services?
When you are designing a new service to offer consumers, it is important that you do not copy someone else’s service because they can probably (and most likely already are) do it better than you can [1]. In this series of posts, we will look at a number of existing services that inhabit similar spaces to the focus of our project – such as tools to help people learn new languages and services aimed at students.
By investigating the services already on offer, we will also develop an understanding of how an online social network should be presented, what common functionality would be useful to include, and how such a system might be financed.
The Student Room
The Student Room Overview The Student Room (TSR) is a forum aimed at young people. There is a focus on school and university, though spaces are reserved for non-academic discussison. The service is aimed at a UK-audience [2]. Though much more generalised than the social network that we are proposing, it will be useful to […]
Logo : A review of existing social network site logos
Visual Identity What ever we end up calling our social network, we will need to develop a strong visual identify. The name itself will form part of that identity, but there does need to be some visual association of the name with something that users recognise such that it becomes familiar. As a thoroughly non-academic […]
Analysis of Existing Similar Tools Why look at existing Social Network services? When you are designing a new service to offer consumers, it is important that you do not copy someone else’s service because they can probably (and most likely already are) do it better than you can [1]. In this series of posts, we […]