EuroCALL Association offers 3 publication channels:
- Short 1500-word papers published in the Conference Proceedings by
- Longer (3000 to 5000 words) research & development or reflective practice papers for The EUROCALL Review, and
- Full, 8000-word research papers for the journal ReCALL
Each has a different deadline. See more information below.
1. EUROCALL 2017 short papers (proceedings)
The EUROCALL 2017 Short Papers have been published! Download and read them here.
Thank you to all of our authors and reviewers!
Information about the EUROCALL Short Papers:
Authors of all accepted presentations (papers and posters) can send a short paper of 1600 words in total (including title, abstract, keywords, main text, tables, references, acknowledgements) for publication in the EUROCALL2017 conference proceedings. Appendices, if necessary, will be placed on a separate file and referenced in the manuscript with a link. Note that only the papers/posters presented at the conference will be eligible for publication.
The short papers will be peer-reviewed and edited; a committee of reviewers selected by the editors will review the documents and rate them according to quality and correctness. Should you not hear from the editors (Kate Borthwick, Linda Bradley, and Sylvie Thouësny) after the conference, email Sylvie ( as soon as possible as this probably means that the editors do not have your manuscript.
- Authors of accepted presentations in the EuroCALL2017 conference may also submit an extended version for peer-reviewed publication in ReCALL or The EUROCALL Review.
2. EUROCALL Review
Articles may also be submitted for publication in The EUROCALL Review, EUROCALL’s biannual online publication. Articles submitted to The EUROCALL Review are blind peer-reviewed by members of the Editorial Board. The following publication types are welcome:
- Projects: reports on on-going or completed CALL or CALL-related R&D projects
- Recommended websites/apps: reports and reviews of examples of good practice in language learning website or app development
- Articles: research, reflective-practice or research & development articles relating to CALL and TELL
Full details about submission to The EUROCALL Review and submission deadlines may be found here.
3. ReCALL Journal
Full-length research articles are invited for ReCALL, the fully-refereed journal published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of EUROCALL. It is issued three times a year in January, May and September and is also available online to subscribers.