How do you make a Degree Show?

Third year Fine Art (Sculpture) student Selina Hamilton at Winchester School of Art talks us through her Degree show, from the light bulb moment to becoming a reality.  Continue reading How do you make a Degree Show?

Stage Society: Meeting the President

Arts Ambassador and BA MEng Aerospace Engineer  Ben McQuigg sat down with Joseph Lynch, president of StageSoc for 2017/18 to talk about his favourite productions during his time at university and to find out more about the Stage Technician’s Society. Image Credit: American Idiot Charlie House Media.

Continue reading Stage Society: Meeting the President

War Horse- An Unbelievable Show

Arts Ambassador and MA Fashion Marketing and Branding student, Doria Wang, continues her exploration of British Theatre with a review of War Horse at Mayflower Theatre.

Image: War Horse (2018) Photo by Brinkhoff/Mögenburg

Continue reading War Horse- An Unbelievable Show

Exploring the Mayflower – An Interview with CEO Michael Ockwell

With a shared passion for theatre Arts Ambassadors Ben McQuigg and Doria Wang sat down together with Michael Ockwell, Chief Executive (CEO) of Mayflower Theatre, Southampton to find out more about the industry in the UK. Continue reading Exploring the Mayflower – An Interview with CEO Michael Ockwell

Reimagining the experience of 1918, At Home, At War

Arts Ambassador and 3rd year BA English Gabriela Gurycz reflects on Silent Film Fortnight’s final event and her first time at  Turner Sims. Image: Guns of the Loos.  Continue reading Reimagining the experience of 1918, At Home, At War