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I really wish I’d gone to @ctp2015 :(

It sounds like I missed a blinder, but I didn’t even hear about it until it was on. Roll on the publication of any proceedings or papers. In the meantime, here’s a quote from @gamingarcheo Tara Copplestone’s blog, which just hints at the myriad reasons I wish I was there: Dr. Tobias Winnerling – who artfully compared and contrasted the differential treatment and reception of historic remediation through Lego and Video-game. Continue reading →

On ello

Not much new today, as I’m catching up on the Portus MOOC (final week complete, but I’ve left a ton of gaps in weeks 2, 3, 4 and 5) and trying to lay down few thousand words of literature review (yeah, like that’s happening). But I wanted to pause to reprise something like my Twitter is your friend post from some way back. Some weeks ago I got an invitation to join ello, the ethical social network. Continue reading →

The talk I gave for York Heritage Research Seminars #YOHRS

I had a great time in York on Tuesday evenings. It was a lovely audience with plenty of comments and questions afterwards. And it was international with people watching from the States (and maybe elsewhere) via Google Hangouts. And then afterwards on to the pub, where the conversation continued with the likes of Nigel Walter, Don Henson (member of the National Trust’s learning panel) and gamingarcheo herself Tara Copplestone, over delicious pints of Thwaits Nutty Black. Continue reading →

Italian translation of week one topics

Excavating a burial at PortusPhoto: Hembo Pagi Once again Eleonora has translated the summaries of the week one activities into Italian in order to support sharing of the course via Italian social media. As discussed previously the course itself runs in English and it is not possible to moderate the posts on the FL platform in English and Italian. This would require Italian speakers on the FutureLearn platform which is monitored 24 hours a day. Continue reading →