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network analysis

Introducing ‘A Connected Island?’: how the Iron Curtain affected Archaeologists

After the Second World War the Iron Curtain sliced through the very centre of Europe forming a very real divide in both political and daily lives. In the second half of the 20th century the Soviet regime introduced a new structure to the academic institutions to countries like Poland, Hungary and former Czechoslovakia, including restrictions on contacts with the Western world and ideological pressure previously unknown in these parts of Europe. Continue reading →

CFP workshop historical network analysis

Since a few years a group of German scholars regularly convenes to discuss the potential and issues surrounding the use of network methods for the historical discipline. Marten Düring is one of the prominent people in this group, and he presented his work at The Connected Past symposium here in Southampton in March 2012 (you can see a video of his presentation on the TCP website). Continue reading →