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Imaging Event/Hackathon

Few days to go to Rode Imaging Event where ACRG will be represent on power of three: Graeme Earl, James Miles and me. List of presenters at the seminar and workshop day include specialist with different expertise: multispectral imaging, 3D data acquisition and processing and theoretical approach. Hackathon weekend is supported by Garage48, people specialised in hackathons and helping start-ups. Continue reading →

Data mining and image processing experiments on photographs from Portus

As large-scale data processing becomes easier and more affordable to everyone, so too increases the temptation to try and use new technologies and methods to reduce the amount of manual labor that usually comes with classifying and categorising big data collections. With textual data, the techniques of extracting useful information from unstructured data have already been more or less established. Continue reading →

Icons RTI case study

Icons: Production  techniques and examination methodology Icon or ikon from Greek eikōn is a representation of a sacred or sanctified Christian personage used in religious worship in the Russian or Greek Orthodox Church. The production of icons has been described by the monk Dionisios ek Fourna in 1728-1733. Icons are typically painted on a wooden panel with the egg tempera painting technique, over a layer of gypsum and glue (preparation layer). Continue reading →

Testing a Prototype 3D Structure Light Imaging System for Underwater Archaeology

Anchor Scanning While 3D imaging has become a revolution in land archaeology, it has experienced a difficult baptism underwater. Electrical equipment and water do not mix, plus many systems do not easily transfer underwater when you add currents, visibility issues, and salt into the equation. Approaches that have been attempted include acoustics, laser-based systems, and photogrammetry with each of these having varying success depending on site conditions. Continue reading →

Capturing and exploring textures in National Archive

BT 43/57/71976: Straw hat, registered on 18 September 1850; proprietor unknown Some time ago we made a visit to UK National Archive with James Miles to test RTI technology on a wide range of examples provided by the National Archive. James went back in September of 2012 for a second time to do more recording. Recently Dinah Eastop, a Curatorial Research Fellow from the National Archives has written two blog posts and presented the results of the work on their blog. Continue reading →