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CGI research at Portus

The AHRC Portus Project is partly focussed on the application and evaluation of digital technologies, and in particular the production of computer graphic models. Specifically we implement Computer Graphic Imagery following geophysical assessment, during the excavation, in the analysis of excavated and surveyed archaeology, and in the representation and debate of interpretations. Continue reading β†’

Portus in the News

The Guardian (1 Oct. 2009) The Independent The Times (1 Oct. 2009) The Telegraph BBC BBC (Image Gallery) Daily Mail Metro The Guardian (2. Oct. 2009) The Guardian (Image gallery) Science Daily (Animation of Portus) Radio 4 interview (Interview starts at 26:36) The Times (2 Oct. 2009) Rai TV (minute 30.01) Il Sole 24 Ore Abitare a Roma AGR on line Welt online Peallin CNN. Continue reading β†’