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Day 6 – First Saturday of the Dig – by Michael

I’m Michael Sherry an Archaeology & History Student from Southampton. I’m most looking forward to experiencing a site which has both early modern archaeology as well as Roman and Iron Age finds. — 27th July 2013 First Saturday of the Dig With everyone feeling rejuvenated after the trip to Hampton Court the day before, we began work on Saturday morning with high spirits. Continue reading →

Meet the Team – Michael Davies

Michael Davies I’ll be attending between the 29th and the 31st to help out and work with Peter on making little prints, probably woodcuts and monoprints in response to the objects excavated at the site. My work has been of abstract landscapes as of late, so to explore treasures underneath the surface will be an exciting experience and possibly something I can take away with me for inspiration as to where my own work can develop in the future. Continue reading →

Which Side Are You On?

Hal’s Laughing Cavalier: He had an amazing outfit. Cavalier or Roundhead? Royalist or Parliamentarian? A question which has been on everybody’s lips throughout the Basing House project. This is a question which many of us will have thought about before while running around the school playground or sitting in a history lesson but how easy is it to choose? For some the question comes down to looks. We are all familiar with the image of the laughing Cavalier and the po-faced Roundhead. Continue reading →

Day 3 – Slipware Mystery! And some other stuff – by Jake

Jake. Written by Jake, The Northern One. — Day 3 On the 24th July 2013 at the Basing House Project a slipware tankard was unveiled in the far left corner of the excavation site. At first it was believed to be a c. 17th century contemporary piece, but after careful analysis by experienced Basing House staff, Dave Allen and Alan Turton came to the conclusion that the tankard was in fact a modern replica. Continue reading →

Day 2 – Let the Festival of British Archaeology begin – by Callum

Callum My name is Callum and I’m studying History and Archaeology at Southampton University. What I’m most looking forward to about Basing House is using techniques and technology’s that they didn’t have on the excavations in the 60′s. — Second Day Today at Basing house we started straight where we left off yesterday with the taking off of the top layer of grass and flowers from the site. Continue reading →

Day 1 – De-Turfing begins! – by Callum

Callum My name is Callum and I’m studying History and Archaeology at Southampton University. What I’m most looking forward to about Basing House is using techniques and technology’s that they didn’t have on the excavations in the 60′s. — First Day Morning We set off from Southampton at half past eight looking forward to our first look at the Basing house in the flesh. Continue reading →

My first abstract

I’m excited because my first conference paper proposal has been accepted, and it gets financial support to help me go deliver it. So in September I’m off to the University of Rochester, NY for their Decoding the Digital conference. I thought I’d share the abstract here. Now, of course, I have to write the paper. Abstract The creators of digital narratives, in the form of computer games, are experimenting with form as they explore story telling in virtual spaces. Continue reading →

The Archaeology of Archaeology

Thanks to all of the students and volunteers we are making amazing progress here at Basing House. Despite the best efforts of nettles and roots the turf has now been removed. It is fantastic to see the previous of the excavation be uncovered and to get a better sense of how the excavators worked on the site in the 1960s. Archaeological techniques have changed a lot in the intervening period and we hope to be able to add to the discoveries which were made then. Continue reading →