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Another Conspiratorial meeting

On the sixth day of March, in the town of Eastleigh, I met with a group of potential conspirators… Not really, but I did run a focus group to inform the development of the nacsent “Conspiracy 600″ project (or whatever it ends up being called). So what did I learn? First of all, don’t rely on the SoundNote app. It crashed half-way through my focus group, and I’ve lost the recording of the first half of the session. Luckily I took notes. Continue reading →

My Archaeologist is an App

Talking at a University of Southampton seminar from Portus (Flickr – Hembo Pagi) I’ve now listened to the second of the excellent programmes by @Sarah_Montague on @BBCRadio4 about the revolution in educational technology, and also the interesting discussion this morning on @BBCr4today between Professor Mary Beard (Cambridge), Professor Martin Bean (VC of the Open University) and Sarah Montague. Continue reading →

The Invisible Hand – Blast Theory

I’ve had a great first day attending The Invisible Hand a two day workshop hosted by Blast Theory, the Brighton based art collective. I met all sorts of interesting people, and I’ll write in more detail about it later. But right now I want to process my excitement about a short presentation from Lesley Fosh. A PhD student at Nottingham University, Lesley shared an experiment wherein she worked with eight pairs of visitors to a local art gallery. Continue reading →

The Portus MOOC and Southampton Alumni

Portus Field School team 2013 (on flickr) I am very keen that the Portus MOOC engages with University of Southampton alumni. In part I hope that this is a way to say thank you for their input to the University, both as students and more recently, by providing a free way for them to continue learning with us. But I also see these alumni as bringing a different perspective to the MOOC cohort. Continue reading →

Story, Time and Place

This is the Prezi and below are my notes in preparation for a short presentation I gave to a Digital Humanities seminar group at University today. Hosted WordPress still can’t deal with embedded Prezi’s yet so click the link at the start to see the slides. And my notes below are just notes, so you’ll have to imagine me riffing off them to make an entertaining, compelling and coherent (I hope!)  presentation. Continue reading →