(dis-)Connected Life?
Last week I attended Connected Life, a one day conference at Balliol College Oxford, the home of the Oxford Internet Institute.
Manchester Poly was never like this! #CL14 http://t.co/K3NK51ZPgr—
Matthew Tyler-Jones (@MTylerJones) June 12, 2014
There’s an extensive photo gallery of the event here, and I’m sure it will be joined by more content as time progresses.
One thing we’re promised is the transcript of Dr Nick Anstead’s keynote, which was a compelling challenge to the idea of Connectedness, asking whether we in fact find ourselves in an age of disconnect. Acknowledging that the recent success of “more right wing” parties across Europe isn’t necessarily about the rise of right wing voters, but more about disenfranchised voters across the political spectrum he didn’t paint an optimistic picture. The political class seek to be more nimble and responsive by leveraging “big data”, but won’t that make them appear more managerial? Will the connection between government and the the needs of the population be apparent? Do the disenfranchised contribute less data to the the Big Data, and so are we in danger of “data apartheid”? All of this resonated with my thoughts on the Playful Aristocracy and the trolling Leviathan last year. He tried to end on a more optimistic note, but I share his fear that it may push politics and citizenship even further apart.
Now this is what I call a breakout room! #OxCL14 http://t.co/Jb7nDmJPqe—
Matthew Tyler-Jones (@MTylerJones) June 12, 2014
Then we split into smaller groups and I enjoyed a session on Culture and Identity, which kicked off with Stephanie Duguay talking about how the dating app Tinder insists on using your Facebook profile to populate your tinder profile, as though Facebook is the most “authentic” on-line version of you. And for dating of course this policy is interesting, given Facebook’s recent move to 50-odd gender and sexuality descriptions, which Tinder currently parses into more binary “Male or Female interested in Males or Females” type classifications.
The Taiwanese student Chen-Ta Sung asked “Why do Asians take photos of food?” discussing geotagged selfies from restaurants, and Leo Mercer explored the internet at poetry, capturing my agreement when he said that a “a poem is a meme machine.” It sent me off looking for twitter poetry.
I wear
am neatly pressedOn Tumblr
tie myself into
awesome knotsam
to tumbling
for you.
Zero Gravity (@ZeroGravitypoet) June 12, 2014
My own contribution was to kick off an “Un-conference” session on Virtual Economies and Virtual Selves, by sharing the disappointing results of my geo-gaming survey.
Un-conference session on #VEVS on a great start w/ discussion abounding around Minecraft, Tinder, e-banking, Ingres, Grinder & Badoo #OxCL14—
Allison Fine Mishkin (@AFineMishkin) June 12, 2014
The round-table discussion that followed touched upon (among many other things as you can see from the above tweet) location as an expression of self, which I though was a great concept that reflected what Chen-Ta Sung had presented and deserves further exploration.
Then a second Un-conference session looked at the Rise (and possible Fall) of MOOCs, during which I had a little epiphany (which may be more obvious to others) about how universities (and everyone in them) can sometimes forget that they are all about the network (in the old fashioned sense) and not about the buildings.
Even though Balliol does have some very nice buildings…